I have been thinking about mission work for a couple of years now. Imagine...my family packing up and flying off to ‘save the world’. My mission dream has been put on hold since I got pregnant with Zane, but after some real revelation this weekend (at our Missions Festival), I wonder if it wasn’t put on hold by God. I think that He may want me to consider what mission work actually is and why I would be doing it.
I am starting to redefine mission work in my mind. It seems to me that it is serving others. Serving others in God’s name. What? Not just solving their problems? Not preaching to them? Not only for adventure? No. Serving. This idea of serving may seem strange in our culture. I mean, isn’t everyone looking to be served? But maybe it’s time we started showing our love by really searching for ways to take the load off of others.
The serving that I’m talking about is a result of simply loving people. Genuine love. A comment that a lady made this weekend at the festival was, “Don’t just do it to be nice. People can tell when you are faking it. Just because they don’t go to church doesn’t mean they are stupid.” She’s right. Also, I don’t want to be someone else’s ‘project’, so I’m pretty sure they don’t want to be mine.
All this being said, I realize that I have been doing mission work all along. Not in the Amazon or Asia or any exotic place, but right here in my little town and even in my own home with my little children. I have been serving, out of love. I have been developing friendships with people who don’t know the gift that God has available for them to accept. I’ve been doing it just living my regular life. And I’ve been doing it with a genuine heart. I think that is what mission work may be all about.
I'm On A Mission
Posted by
Queen to my 3 Boys
3/05/2008 08:37:00 PM
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This is so true. We have a mission field right in our homes, don't we? And in our neighborhoods.
I've been trying to find some way to get my boys (ok my 2 1/2 year old) into the idea of serving. I was thinking we could do something at the local nursing home but what can a 2 year old offer? He is so shy I don't know if just visiting will be ok with him...
any ideas? (you can email me kiliblog@yahoo.com)
Hey Kilikina -
So glad you're still reading my blog. I have been so incredibly busy, I haven't been following any of my faves! I will have much catching up to do once I get the chance LOL!
If you want your 2 year old to get used to the idea of serving, I think the best thing is to start at home and work outward. Little jobs that he can do for mom, dad & baby, such as throwing out a dirty diaper, taking your plate to the sink after a meal, helping move laundry from washer to dryer. As he does these things, talk to him about serving and how much he is showing his love. Then maybe move onto Grandma & Grandpa or a close friend or take a plate of cookies to a neighbor. Things like picking up a piece of litter on the sidewalk, opening doors for others, etc all allow for opportunities to serve. As you serve others, make sure you talk about it with him. You may know that you are doing something to show your love, but he will not put two and two together unless you point it out to him. Another thing to point out to him is the reason you are serving. Sometimes, it is simply to show love by doing some random kind thing. Other times it is because you recognize a specific need. For example, an older neighbor may not be able to mow or rake their lawn. If you offer to help, explain that to the little guy and he will begin to look for specific needs that he can help with. If you do these little things as part of your everyday life with him, he won't think twice about the bigger things, like the seniors home, when he is older. Are these the types of things you are looking for?
Mission work can be done wherever you live! Oftentimes, our very own daily life is a testimony in and of itself to those that see us everyday. :)
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