
The title of my last post should have been 'You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet'.

I thought Zane (11 months) was in 'the thick of it' when I was writing about him being sick.

That was on Sunday.

Tuesday night, the two of us had a sleepover in the hospital. He had a fever of almost 104, he was breathing rapidly and with difficulty, he was listless (completely limp, actually), he was dehydrated.

They let us out on Wednesday morning after saying that a chest xray showed no pneumonia.

I was in tears when I brought my limp baby back in on Thursday. They did bloodwork and sent us home.

On Friday, the doctor called and said that the radiologist had seen the xray and that he did have pneumonia. Gggrrrrr...

They put Zane on antibiotics and he started getting better right away.

My baby is now back to his bouncy self, but for a runny nose and a small cough. He weaned himself of nursing during this whole affair, but he's nearly a year old and that's okay with me. I am just so thankful to see my baby boy back to normal.


Mummy McTavish said...

So glad you have made it through, praying for no recurrences, and some time to catch up with missed sleep/work.

Anonymous said...

Thank God that he is better. I hope that's the end of it. I remember how helpless you feel when a child is so sick and there's nothing that you can do to help. Take care of yourselves and each other. Love Grandma Margaret from California & Peter.

Anonymous said...

I am so very greatful that my boys are all doing better. A very tense few days, all I was wishing is that I coulc have been there, if nothing else moral support, love mom

Bobbie-Jo said...

Your post seems so nice and tidily written. But that's not at all how it felt during it!

Journeying Five said...

hospital trips are never fun with babies and young kids, especially when they can't figure it out...glad to hear he is better!

Jackie said...

Oh, how scary! And even more frustrating that they didn't get it right the first time around. Glad you all are on the mend now...

Anonymous said...

I saw Dylan and Dwayne today at the funeral. I'm not sure what Dylan thought of the whole thing. He sure was good and quiet. Asked a lot of questions to Grannie. I got asked a lot of questions from everyone about my baby. It was an overwhelming day!

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