Fire Prevention Week

This week is Fire Prevention Week in Canada. We will be spending time learning about fire prevention in our home, including making and practicing a family escape plan.

I encourage your family to learn/review fire safety tips this week. I also encourage you do develop/practice a family escape plan. You just never know when you'll need it...


Anonymous said...

Does this make you boys want to be a fireman. You sure did a good job with the test you look great in your uniforms lov granny

Ruby Red Slippers said...

GREAT pictures!
A fire is not something I want to go through...I agree with your advice, for sure!

Buzzings of a Queen Bee! said...

That is such a good idea to have a plan in place. Makes me think I need one too!

Journeying Five said...

your boys look so cute in their fireman garb...with legs and no pants on, it looks like they are only wearing their fireman jacket!