Have You Been Pooped On or Puked On Lately?

We went to the city yesterday. Among our stops was an appointment with our accountant.

Yes, I know, I'm an accountant too. Sometimes, though, with the layerings of companies and tax-planning strategies for the next year, you've gotta pull out the big guns that specialize in the corporate stuff. Our 'big gun' - Ron - is a partner at a great accounting firm.

On the way there, Chance managed to poop and puke on me. For some reason, Dwayne found this hilarious.

"What're you laughing at?" I ask.

"I was just thinking of the days when you wanted to chase your career and now you're in the backseat of the truck, nursing a baby, getting pooped on and puked on."

"If you keep laughing, I'm going to ask Ron for a job and chase my career again!"

During our appointment with Ron, I brought this up.

His response? "Just stay where you are and keep doing what you're doing. We all get 'pooped on' and 'puked on' in our jobs - just in different ways."

I'll have to keep this in mind on those days when the grass is looking a little greener on the other side...


Becky said...

Yes...But with you it's meant LITERALLY!

LOL...how is that sweet baby doing!! Going on outings already? Well with 4, life sure doesn't stop, does it:)

Frantastic™ said...

HA! I'm actually pooped on daily. Usually by adults.....

annette said...

I too get "pooped" on by lots of people every day. I wish somtimes I could deal with the home pooping and puking instead

Mummy McTavish said...

It's nicer when it's people you love doing the pooping and puking, isn't it?

Mr. and Mrs. Nurse Boy said...

I love that! So true!

Mrs. Nurse Boy

4funboys said...


Journeying Five said...

I'm liking your accountant, what great advice!

Anonymous said...

Sadly - not lately. I remember Ron well and I can hear him saying that. He is a great all-around guy, I think.