
I had my ultrasound appointment today. The placenta has not moved. I asked the lady what the chances were of it moving enough at this point and she said she'd be 'astonished' if they even scheduled another ultrasound. So it looks like I'll be getting a c-section. All this is 'unofficial', of course, as the doctor has to let me know what the results are. My doctor had told me before that if the placenta had not moved, he would be scheduling me to see the ob/gyn and the ob/gyn would decide how early they would take the baby. Because we live where we do, he thought it would be a bit earlier as it would be quite dangerous for me to go into labour here. We'll see what they have to say. I'm tuckered out from all of this & going to bed.


Renae said...

My first birth was a c-section, a surprise at that, as we learned that my daughter was breech the morning she was born. I was devastated and frightened - I was so CERTAIN that my labor would go the way I planned it that I skipped the childbirth class on C-Sections!! As I was freaking out on the way to the delivery room, a sweet nurse, who I will remember for the rest of my life said to me, "Here's the upside - she's going to have a BEAUTIFUL PERFECT HEAD!!" and she was right. All the rest have been cone-headed and smushed a little. So, I'll be praying that God will soothe your fears and fill your heart with the joyful anticipation of a round headed baby!!

Bobbie-Jo said...

Amy, our Father will keep you in His perfect will. May you rest here and know His peace. I'm praying for "our" precious baby.

Anonymous said...

All will be well; just believe.

Unknown said...

Your a winner - come claim your prize.