Marriage Material

We were eating spaghetti. Dylan was slurping it and shovelling it in. I watched him for awhile and then this conversation started:

Me (in a very joking, teasing way): "Honey, who are you going to find to take care of you? What kind of wife is going to want such a messy guy?"

Dylan (in a very serious, thoughtful way): "Well, I'm going to find a wife that loves God more than she loves me and is silly."

That sounds like the perfect match for my little man!


4under3 said...

Oh, are you serious??? What a honey!

That is right on...but I bet if he's sayin' stuff like that, his wife will look right past his spaghetti slurpin'.

4funboys said...

and there you have it mom... all that really matters.


Grace Acres said...

I love the things that kids say.
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Miss Lisa said...

I think he will find a great wife. My husband is on the messy side himself ;)

Melissa said...

He's got his priorities straight! You must be doing the right stuff.