School's In!

Yesterday was our first day of school. Our schedule went a little something like this...

8am Breakfast
8:30 Chores
9am School

11am Playtime

12noon Lunch

12:30 Read-Aloud 'Chatterer The Red Squirrel'

1pm Science - A Journey Into The Human Body. We did an experiment about ball & socket joints.

2pm Math - A good ol' game of Yahtzee!

The day went well. Dylan decided first thing this morning that we werenotdoingschool. Period. I got on that one tout de suite. After that he carried on with a 'happy heart', as he later told Dwayne.

The only mishap during the day? Kobe decided to use Zane as his canvas during colour time...


Grace Acres said...

Thats great that you homeschool, definately a lot of work but it is worth it.

Bobbie-Jo said...

It's nice to see that everyone is learning something!

Anonymous said...

great artwork on the baby's face! Glad that I'm normal and have days like this too...