It's A....


Ever since having Kobe, I have wanted 4 boys. It looks like I am getting what I wanted!

We had our ultrasound and there is definitely a 'package' on our baby. He was a bit shy - it took the tech awhile to get him into a position that we could see clearly.

He was being lazy, not moving around too much. The other three boogied around so quickly that the tech always had problems getting the measurements they needed. Since this one seemed more laid-back and wasn't showing us his 'package', I started to think it might be a girl.

When the tech said he was a boy, I felt a great sense of relief come over me. It's familiar. Familiar is comforting. I wouldn't even know where to begin with a girl.

Now, please know that if it had been a girl, I would have been thrilled too! I mean, God knows what is best for our family and I trust Him in all that concerns our lives.

I feel like we're a complete package now. Ahhhh...

(And, Lord willing, I'm done.)


Journeying Five said...

early congratulations! glad to see you back on blogger!

Mummy McTavish said...

YAY, boys are so much fun! No need to tell you that though:) It's also a lot cheaper to have another of the same. Mothers of boys ROCK!

I may just be a little biased here:)

raising4boys said...

Congratulations! Glad you are excited. I cried when I found out with my fourth. But I can't imagine it any other way now. It's easier to have all boys anyway, with hand me downs and toys. Sometimes I long for a baby girl, but we are DONE!