On Christmas Eve day, we went snowmobiling and tobagganing. I didn't do either - just stayed by the fire, as I had Zane in my jacket and was still recovering from the good 'ol c-section.

Kobe had a blast having Daddy pull him up the hill on his little toddler sleigh.

Dylan simply wanted to snowmobile - just can't seem to get enough of it!

After the fun times outside, we went to the Christmas Eve service at our church. On Christmas morning the children got up late. We had bought the boys a regular-sized hockey net and it was set up in our living room. Kobe ran over to it right away but Dylan walked right past it three times before he saw it. Too funny!
"Can I have a turn now, Daddy?"

Opening gifts at Granny & Papa's house.

On New Years' Eve, we had a few couples over. It was later in the evening so the children were down. It was nice to have a little 'adult' time. We played group Cranium with guys against gals and spouses taking turns against each other. (Much more entertaining that way!) At midnight we set off the fireworks. We went to bed at a ridiculous 3am. Somebody forgot to tell the baby that we went to bed late and that we'd be needing a little more sleep! Good thing we had a babysitter lined up to come at 7:30am!
So far 2008 has been fabulous! Looking forward to the rest of it.
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