Yes, it's finally here. My new toy - a Canon Digital Rebel XTi SLR and a sweet little lens to go with. Happy birthday to me. It's not actually my birthday yet, but I turn 30 in a couple of months. I figure if I have to turn 30, there'd better be something fabulous about it...the thought of 30 just sucks!
Seconds after I got the lens attached, I looked out my window to this...

Then Dylan & I went out to give it a whirl...

At 4 am, Zane nursed. As I was checking on the other children, I saw the deer out the window again. I thought I'd see how a night-shot would turn out.
I went back to bed, freezing cold after standing on the porch in my robe. In the morning, Dwayne asked me why I had been so cold. When I told him, he just shook his head & smirked.
Great pictures! Enjoy the new toy! I cried the whole day I turned 30...hope the toy distracts you well, so your day is a good one!!
I love your new camera but then again I have one so I have to say that. It's a great camera.
love the pictures amy!!!
30 really isn't that bad it is all what you make of it. I was sick and about to be seperated from my husband but it ended up being the very best year of my life I am curious what 31 will bring it is in less then a month I think it will be great....
Great pics! 30 isn't bad. Another year that the Lord has blessed to enjoy. If I knew now what I knew at 20, I'd would have save me from a lot of troubles. LOL But we get better with age.
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